Brivium - Who Viewed This Attachment 1.0.0

Hiển thị những user đã xem và download attachment

  1. Brivium
    Giấy phép:
    StandardStandard LifetimeProfessionalProfessional Lifetime
    Giấy phép sử dụng01 tên miền01 tên miềnKhông giới hạnKhông giới hạn
    Thời gian cập nhật / hỗ trợ01 nămVĩnh viễn01 nămVĩnh viễn
    Giá100.000 Xu200.000 Xu300.000 Xu600.000 Xu
    Requirements (yêu cầu):
    Sau khi mua tại VXF, vui lòng đăng ký tài khoản tại và gửi tin nhắn bao gồm tên username của bạn để Brivium kích hoạt bản quyền cho bạn.
    You are curious that who downloaded your attachment? Is there anybody you know who loves it? This add-on will give this answer for you.

    This add-on will show all members who viewed/downloaded an attachment.You can choose which group/s you would like to show the attachments viewers/downloders user list.

    After you install the add-on, go to User Group Permissions, choose the groups that you would like to show the attachments viewers/downloders user list and all the way to the bottom you will see a new settings called: Attachment Views. Set Can view who downloaded attachments: to Yes and save the changes.

    Then when viewing an attachment, just below the view count you will see a link that says: Attachment Viewers. Click it and a new pop up page will open containing all users that viewed/downloaded that attachment.

    The attachment viewers/downloaders will be counted from the moment that the add-on is installed.


    1. 01_permission.png
    2. 02_list_download_attachment.png
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