The add-on provides you a collection of tools to share full of your emotion to others by many applications. It is a big move of forum's development.
- Giấy phép:
Standard Standard Lifetime Professional Professional Lifetime Giấy phép sử dụng 01 tên miền 01 tên miền Không giới hạn Không giới hạn Thời gian cập nhật / hỗ trợ 01 năm Vĩnh viễn 01 năm Vĩnh viễn Giá 500.000 Xu 1.000.000 Xu 1.500.000 Xu 3.000.000 Xu
- Requirements (yêu cầu):
- Sau khi mua tại VXF, vui lòng đăng ký tài khoản tại và gửi tin nhắn bao gồm tên username của bạn để Brivium kích hoạt bản quyền cho bạn.
This add-on could allow users to share their feelings or activities they are participating in through the forum. However, the different thing is that users could mention others on their status. They could also enclose locations (maps) of their activities or upload some photos by many formats like jpeg, jpg, png,… They could also like the comment post on the profile page. And only the admins can have the permission to allow users could share photo, tag other users, locations… on their status and set the size and quantity of image to upload as well as the width and height of location status.
- Can allow users to share their feelings or what activities they're participating.
- Can allow users to mention other users on their status.
- Can allow users to mention a location (maps) on their status.
- Can allow users to share their photo image(s).
- Or users can share all of them (feeling, tag other users, location and photo image) on their status.
- Alert informs the user that an addition has been added to their profile page.
- Users now can like comment post on the profile page.
- Admin can create unlimited feeling/activities on admincp with categorize.
- Option to set the maximum size of image when upload on profile page.
- Option to set the maximum quantity of image to upload per profile post.
- Option to set the width of location (maps) status on profile page.
- Option to set the height of location (maps) status on profile page.
- Option to set the maximum of character when share status. (By default is 140 characters).
- Permission to allow users can share photo image on status.
- Permission to allow users can tag other users on status.
- Permission to allow users can share their fellings or activities on status.
- Permission to allow users can share their location (maps) on status.
- Permission like profile comment.
- Permission can tag users on other user's wall.
- Permission can post location on other user's wall.
- Permission can post images on other user's wall.
- Permission can post status activity on other user's wall.
- Importer tool to import comment like from addon "Nobita - Comment Like".
Brivium - Advanced Profile Posts 1.4.6
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