Mình cài addon Table, sử dụng bình thường. Hôm vừa rồi chuyển qua server khác. Khi xem bài viết thì bị lỗi : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /public_html/xxx/library/Nabeel/Table/BBCode/Formatter/Base.php on line 1 Anh em chỉ mình cách khắc phục với. Nội dung Base.php Mã: <?php class Nabeel_Table_BBCode_Formatter_Base extends XFCP_Nabeel_Table_BBCode_Formatter_Base { private $_colCount; private $_rowCount; public function getTags() { $this->_tags = parent::getTags(); $this->_tags['table'] = array( 'parseCallback' => array($this, 'parseValidatePlainIfNoOption'), 'callback' => array($this, 'renderTagTable') ); return $this->_tags; } public function renderTagTable(array $tag, array $rendererStates) { //$content = $tag['children'][0]; $content=$this->stringifyTree($tag['children']); $headerOption = $tag['option']; $rowCount=0; $colCount=0; $tableContent=''; $tableIndex= uniqid('DataTable_'); // remove unnecessary linebreaks $content = preg_replace('/^\n+|^[\t\s]*\n+/m','',$content); // remove empty line at the end of the table $content = preg_replace('#\n$#', '', $content); $parser = new XenForo_BbCode_Parser($this); $content=$parser->render($content); // get data rows $tableData = explode("\n",$content); $rowCount = count($tableData); $this->_rowCount = $rowCount; $cellSeperator = '|'; // split rows into columns for($i=0;$i<$rowCount;$i++){ $tableData[$i] = explode($cellSeperator, $tableData[$i]); } $colCount= count($tableData[0]); $this->_colCount= $colCount; // generate a table $tableStart='<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="'.$tableIndex.'">'; $tableEnd='</table>'; $tableHeaderStart='<thead><tr>'; $tableHeaderEnd='</tr></thead>'; $tableHeader = $tableHeaderStart; $istart=0; // marks the start of the actual table data if($headerOption=="head") { $istart=1; for($icol=0; $icol<$colCount; $icol++) { $tableHeader.='<th>'.$tableData[0][$icol].'</th>'; } } else { for($icol=0; $icol<$colCount; $icol++) { $tableHeader.='<th>Column'.($icol+1).'</th>'; } $tableHeader.=$tableHeaderEnd; } $tableBodyStart='<tbody>'; $tableBodyEnd='</tbody>'; $tableContent=$tableStart.$tableHeader.$tableBodyStart; $rowStart='<tr>'; $rowEnd='</tr>'; $cellStart='<td>'; $cellEnd='</td>'; for($irow=$istart; $irow<$rowCount; $irow++) { $rowContent=$rowStart; for($icol=0; $icol<$colCount; $icol++) { $rowContent.=$cellStart.$tableData[$irow][$icol].$cellEnd; } $rowContent.=$rowEnd; $tableContent.=$rowContent; } $tableContent.=$tableBodyEnd.$tableEnd; if ($this->_view) { $template = $this->_view->createTemplateObject('bb_code_table_dataTable', array( 'content' => $tableContent, 'tableid' =>$tableIndex, )); return $template->render(); } else { return '<div>' . $tableContent . '</div>'; } } } ?> Và trang up ảnh thì bị lỗi : Mã: Warning: set_time_limit() [function.set-time-limit]: Cannot set time limit in Link : http://**[LINK FORBIDDEN]**/upanh/