Brivium - Staff Application 1.1.0

Tạo thông báo tuyển dụng và tự động gửi thông báo khi có user submit

  1. Brivium
    Giấy phép:
    StandardStandard LifetimeProfessionalProfessional Lifetime
    Giấy phép sử dụng01 tên miền01 tên miềnKhông giới hạnKhông giới hạn
    Thời gian cập nhật / hỗ trợ01 nămVĩnh viễn01 nămVĩnh viễn
    Giá200.000 Xu400.000 Xu600.000 Xu1.200.000 Xu
    Requirements (yêu cầu):
    Sau khi mua tại VXF, vui lòng đăng ký tài khoản tại và gửi tin nhắn bao gồm tên username của bạn để Brivium kích hoạt bản quyền cho bạn.
    You want to optimize the progress of looking for new administrators, moderators… of your forum without worrying too much about profile filtration and selection? Well, if you are considering about that, it's very simple to deal with by picking up our add-on.

    This add-on will add the staff application automatically to your forum. In every recruitment, the administrator will create a notice form and also other notification of recruitment progress. When a user submits his/her application, a new thread will be created inside the forum and the admin could decide directly on hiring his/her or not by sending a new PC notification as soon as his/her action.

    This add-on is also used to filter to restrict members you don't want them to apply by limit the minimum posts they have. In the future, we would like to add more features, including allowing the users to attach files to the messages. So this add-on will be useful for Human Resource websites.

    Checking-up with us hardly for witnessing the changes and catching it timely.


    1. 01_options.png
    2. 02_menu_staff_application.png
    3. 03_form_staff_application.png
    4. 04_auto_send_conversation.png
    5. 05_auto_forum.png
    6. 06_thread_auto.png
    7. 07_restricted_users.png
    8. 08_req_order.png
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